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LWVCO Housing Committee

4/26/22 meeting notes
Beth Hendrix

Hi all --

Thanks for joining us last night for our second LWVCO Housing Task Force meeting! Notes are attached.

We'll be looking into a May presentation about Denver's Supportive Housing Social Impact Bond program, but if you'd like to learn more in the meantime, attached are some resources.

You can find LWVCO's advocacy efforts around housing on LWVCO's website - Legislative Action - Legislative Action Report - Housing button.

Thanks to Kathy, Trish, Jerri, Jo and Jill, who volunteered to host the Housing Task Force break-out session at LWVCO's Annual Meeting on Friday, May 20 from 7:30pm - 8pm.

Questions? Ideas? Don't hesitate to reach out!


Beth Hendrix

Executive Director


303-588-5470 cell

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